Workshop I Textiles
Sunday I 30.03.25 I 10am - 4pm I £65 I led by Mandy Pattullo

This workshop is FULLY BOOKED due to popular demand. Click on the RESERVE LIST button above, which will then redirect you to Mandy
Pattullo's Contact page on her website. In the Comment section of the Contact Form provide the title of the course you are interested in and
request to be added to the Reservation List and Mandy will get back to you.
Wally Dogs were popular in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Made in Staffordshire they were usually displayed at either end of a mantelpiece. There were of course cats as well. My daughter Alice Pattullo has drawn these collectables and these were the starting point for my textile interpretation.
You will create a pair (or one if you prefer) using traditional applique techniques and stitchery. Your base will be a piece of antique log cabin which I will supply for you. I will show you other inspirational examples and demonstrate the order of the build up and you can take away a template so that you could recreate more at home if you wished with your own materials.