Workshop I Textiles
Sunday I 09.03.25 I 10am - 4pm I £65 I led by Mandy Pattullo

This workshop is FULLY BOOKED due to popular demand. Click on the RESERVE LIST button above, which will then redirect you to Mandy
Pattullo's Contact page on her website. In the Comment section of the Contact Form provide the title of the course you are interested in and
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In this textile course we will be drawing on the traditions of red work embroidery often found on nineteenth century American quilts and signature quilts. You will be working on to a French tea towel (torchon) which I will provide.
Many of the quilts had images of birds and animals but I have made drawings myself from a variety of folk art sources for you to use and take away.
I will show you techniques for getting the information on to the tea towel and will also give you a small piece of white quilt so you could do a one off animal portrait instead or as well as the tea towel. You could even go on to draw your own motifs .You will learn which is the best thread to use and which the best stitch and you will create a unique heirloom piece.