Workshop I Textiles
Sunday I 04.05.25 I 10am - 4pm I £65 I led by Mandy Pattullo

This workshop is FULLY BOOKED due to popular demand. Click on the RESERVE LIST button above, which will then redirect you to Mandy
Pattullo's Contact page on her website. In the Comment section of the Contact Form provide the title of the course you are interested in and
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I have written books on Textile Collage and it is the technique which I perhaps love the most as it allows me to combine fragments of diverse fabrics. I often incorporate a little fragment of preciousness which is the starting point for the colour story and recently I have been using my Indian embroideries which I have hoarded over the years but have been afraid to use. They allow me to break out into brighter colour schemes and combine with sheers and sari ribbons and refer sometimes to traditional Indian pattern stitching such as Kantha.
In this course you get to use my stash to create a pair of collages. You will learn to layer, attach and patchwork together and use stitching to resolve and decorate the surface.