Workshop I Textiles
Sunday I 06.07.25 I 10am - 4pm I £65 I led by Mandy Pattullo

This workshop is FULLY BOOKED due to popular demand. Click on the RESERVE LIST button above, which will then redirect you to Mandy
Pattullo's Contact page on her website. In the Comment section of the Contact Form provide the title of the course you are interested in and
request to be added to the Reservation List and Mandy will get back to you.
Let us celebrate the garden or the allotment in the summer. You will create a small beautiful textile picture which might be a mix of flowers, birds and the bees.
There will lots of fabric bits and pieces to choose from including old domestic embroidery, bits of patchwork and transferred images.
There are so many techniques you could bring to this - textile collage, patchwork, stitched drawing, traditional embroidery. I will provide lots of inspiration and you will create something unique to you.