Workshop I Textiles
Friday I 27.06.25 I 10am - 4pm I £65 I led by Mandy Pattullo

This workshop is FULLY BOOKED due to popular demand. Click on the RESERVE LIST button above, which will then redirect you to Mandy
Pattullo's Contact page on her website. In the Comment section of the Contact Form provide the title of the course you are interested in and
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It is lovely to have an excuse to use my beautiful metallic and lustred fabric and threads and fish have swum into view! Have a go at building up a textile collage of a warm golden cod or a pretty speckled trout using tiny pieces of fabric and put in the details and the sparkle with hand stitching .We will work by hand on to a background of a damask table cloth and I will have prepared the basic silhouette of the fish for you so you do not need to be able to draw.